Constellation of Canis Major

Write a message on a star

When you create a star message, it will be displayed in the pop-up box that opens whenever anyone clicks on your chosen star.


Star message example

More examples

star Star1
Brightness: ##
To all my friends and family
Thanks for being so great!
I love you all,

star Star2
Brightness: ##
Happy 21st Birthday, Sam!
You are my star since you brighten up even the darkest corner of the night :) that is why you are always special to me.
Hugs and kisses,
Mom xxx

star (No official name)
Brightness: ##
Always in our hearts and never forgotten.
Love, Dad and your whole family.

Your star message can be anything you like — a celebration of some special event or occasion, a 'thank you', a wish, a remembrance, a promotion of a product, company or website, a message to the world, a personal goal, a special something to family or friends, a poem, a text picture or perhaps some other demonstration of your creativity and imagination...

When you have created your star message, you will be sent an email with a link that goes directly to your message on the website. You will be able to share this link with friends and family, if you wish. It will also be useful in case you ever forget how to find your star!

To create your star message:

  • Go to the star maps and choose a constellation by clicking on the down arrow below the constellation name.
  • Click on any star that is not flashing and is within the constellation's red boundary.
  • Click on 'Make this star yours, with a message here', then follow instructions.

 — try it out now just to see how it works.

More details:

  • You can give your message a heading. The text of the message can be up to a maximum of 300 characters (including spaces and punctuation).
    You may also add a link to a website.
  • Free stars
    • All stars of brightness 30 or less are free. A message on a free star will remain there for as long as you wish and you will never be charged anything for it.
    • Each person is allowed one free star.
  • Rented stars
    • For the rest of the stars, there is a small yearly rental which depends on brightness. Rentals can be cancelled at any time.
    • Payment for rented stars is made through the Paypal secure website.
      If you don't have a Paypal account you can create one easily on the Paypal payment page (and it will be very useful on many other websites too, such as eBay).
    • Paypal will pay any star rental payments automatically for you. You can cancel the rental anytime very easily in your Paypal account, and Paypal will notify us.
    • You can have as many rented stars as you wish.

For a bit more information please read our few, straightforward terms and conditions.